Tuesday, February 19, 2013

He is in the Whisper

I've recently been inspired by a few people and a Holy Spirit inkling (or whisper if you will) to start blogging again. The first is my sister Andrea, and you can read her blog at http://www.andisblog.com/. I must say I'm pleasantly surprised by my sister and her blog, not the "oh, I didn't think she could do that" surprise but more the "I'm getting a deeper look into her thoughts and passions" surprise. I'm so proud of her. I've also been reading several other blogs including Jen Hatmaker, Rachel Held Evans, Donald Miller, and my friend Allison Maestri's blogs. They have been a great source of inspiration and I've felt a tug towards blogging "my own sub-story" (check out Donald Miller's blog) in the grander God story.

I'm not sure who will even read this; at this point, I don't think I'll put any links to this blog on Facebook, Twitter, etc. I just feel the nudge towards writing it. Of course I will place an asterisk and say that could change, but at this time, I just need an avenue to release some thoughts.

I've titled the blog and link with the theme of God being in the whisper. I just love those verses in 1 Kings 19 where God reveals Himself to Elijah--first there is wind, then earthquake, then fire and God was in none of these great, powerful, destructive forces. Instead, He was in the gentle whisper. I love what these verses reveal about the nature of God. I also think that I too often miss Him because I'm not listening for that gentle whisper. So I plan to become more in tune to that soft voice of God, and I plan to blog about listening for it and hearing it and what that brings to life. Of course, you know the saying about the best laid plans....  ok, well I don't know the exact saying but I do know that plans can so easily fall through but hey, we all fall short right?

J and I are in the midst of that gentle whisper which seems to be softly leading us on a new and amazing journey. I wish I could elaborate, but at this point I can't openly share yet. I'm excited to be able to chronicle our journey soon but since it does include J as well and he is not quite ready to share, I will respectfully refrain. But, oh my friends,does God have a good one in store...